HOME>About Wetland>What is Wetland>People and Wetland>topic 3
What is Wetland?
Fundamental Info.
People and Wetland
Topic 1
Topic 2
Topic 3
Topic 4
Topic 5
Nature of Wetland
Three Dimension View
Restoration Project
Kushiro Approach
Farmland Reclamation with Riparian Works

Wetland had been considered as waste land for a long time due to the difficulties to use for agricultural and residencial purpose, so people had began to reclaim and develop this area once people bacome to have enough knowledge and power to do so. Especailly during 20th century, the development had taken place actively.

After about 1950, large scale reclamation was carried on with strong support from goverment, and vaste area had been converted from wetland to farmland. (See detail of reclamation) (Right figure:Comparison of farmland area of 1970 and 2000. Put the mouse on the figure to see farmland of 2000) River improvement had been carried on at the same time for the purpose of not only flood prevention but also wetland aridifiction for agricultural and residencial use. (See detail of river improvement)

Development,,,from Now On

Recently, it bacomes closed up that some of reclaimed farmland are actually not cultivated, but abandaned. There are also some cases that river improvement sometimes has unexpected effect to surrounding, such as destructive damage to some vegetation and encouragement of errosion. As one of an example of unexpected damage on nature due to artificial development, the change of vegetation at "Akanuma -Area" can be seen on following figure.

This is why there are the motivation that the meaning of "development" should be carefully considered with the concept of nature conservation and wise use. This nature restration project may be one of the result of those concern.