HOME>Restoration Project -Kushiro Approach->Kushiro Approach>Pilot Cases of Project
What is Wetland?
Three Dimension View
Restoration Project
Kushiro Approach
Kushiro Approach
Core Objective
Main Objective
Pirot cases of project
Sub objective
Overall Concept
Not only the area of the wetland, but the watershed to flow into the wetland are treated as the target area of the restoration project of Kushiro wetland. The area is then expanded to 5 cities (Kushiro-shi, Kushiro-tyo, Shibetya-tyo, Teshikaga-tyo, and Tsurui-mura), 250 thousand hectars. As shown on the map below, the target area reashes to far north from actual area of wetland.
Five Pilot Projects
Around the wetland, five area ( Hirosato, Takkobu, Touro-Kayanuma, Kutyoro-Hororo, and Onnenai-Hokuto) are specified as the pilot case of restoration project, and each of those area is assigned the specific theme to restore. These cases has already been processed restoration and expected to be the model of restoration to the other area.
Hirosato Area - Restore the Wetland
Hirosato area is located along the residencial and agricultural area, and known as habitat for some endanger species such as Japanese Crane. It recently becomes problems that many of reclaimed area area actually abandoned.
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Takkobu Area - Restore the Forest
Takkobu area is covered with diverse geological and biological charactersitics to nurture the great biosphere, but the degradation of those happens to be conserned recently due to the destruction of forest environment and increase of erosion.
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Touro-Kayanuma Area - Restore the Aquatic Environment
Straightened river is located right beside Touro-Kayanuma Area, and farmland are expanded at this area. With the decrease of wetland due to the reclamation, aquatic environment has been influenced so much, and the degradatiaon of aquatic environment including vegetation there happens to be deeply conserned currently.
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Kutyoro-Hororo Area - (Theme is under consideration)
Kutyoro-Hororo area has vast farmland around, but also non-degratede natural environment is remained, such as Kitarakotan-misaki, and Miyazima-misaki. Recently, the expansion of alder vegetation is observed.
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Onnenai-Hokuto Area -(Theme is under consideration)
Various geographical and biological characteristics remained relatively untouched, but the backland of this area is processed agricultural and residencial development. Loading due to this acitivities are in fact observed at Onnenai-Hokuto area.
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