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Detail of Hirosato Region

Hirosato region is the area that vast field of wetland has been converted to the farmland. This region is a symbolic area of wetland conversion due to the intensive reclamation and aridification. However, it then began to change into wasteland when it was not only favorable for agricultural areas.
For the purpose of implementing nature restoration in this area, it has been conducting researches on its vegetation, ground water flow direction, wildlife and topography etc. The target condition of restoration is the one in late 1960's.

Contents of Project

Following studies and experimental test has been conducted at Hirosato region.

Vegetation analysis
Ground water dynamics analysis
Wildlife analysis
Topographical survey and analysis

See detail →

Operating Body - Team NAKAMURA

Fotoshi Nakamura

Kenji Matubara

Hiroyuki Yamada

Operating team of the project at Hirosato region is teh group of NAKAMURA Futosi, Proffessor at Graduate school of Agriculture, Hokkaido University. Their approach is known as adaptive management, in which it figures out how to manage wetland restoration throughout the process of hypothesis, experiment, and evaluation.